TripleSat Constellation

TripleSat Constellation

The constellation comprising three identical optical EO satellites, which makes it possible to target anywhere on Earth once per day, is offering < 1m high-resolution imagery products with a 23.4km swath. Both space and ground segments have been designed to efficiently deliver guaranteed timely information.

TripleSat Design and Specifications

Provider: Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology Asia (21AT) Orbit:
  • Altitude: 651 km
  • Type: Sun-synchronous, 10:30 am
Sensor bands:
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Near infrared
Spatial resolution
  • Panchromatic: < 1m
  • Multispectral: < 4m

Swath width: 23.4 km

Off point capacity: ±45º

Revisit time: 4 days

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